Monday, July 2, 2012

I Had A Dream

I've Had A Dream
With you & me last night...

We had a late night date
At Manila Hotel
It was an Amazing place
somewhere outhere

The living room was filled with
nicest stuffs
A luxurious room

Before we entered the room
You have something at your back
hidding your hands behind you...
I asked you,, oh, where are your hands?
But you don't speak a word to me
You just smiled
Then you came closer to me
You gave me a red rose
You told me ,, Ms. GP my love this is for you ,,:)
And i said oh really? is this for me?
Thank you so much, you're so sweet to me.

I told you to close your eyes & open your hands.
And i've given you my surprise love box...
which was consist of different sweet varities
with chocolate-pralines, silver bracelate and a glas red heart
and a one read heart formed tablespoon with strawberry syrup
& swimming light pink hearts confetti.....

I made you a deal for it
That if you truely loves me
You will drink that love drinks
from the table spoon
to prove that your words to me were all true
And you did it
Then i reach out my hands to you after you drunken
that syrup and told you ,,you did it good ,,,
Now you i ask you are you ready to give me a real kiss?

But then i woke up from deepest dream....
And realized that you're just a sweet guy
In front of the screen.

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